.NET Course in Chandigarh
  • Are you searching for the best .NET company in Chandigarh?
  • Are you looking for the best .NET institute in Chandigarh?
  • Are you looking for the best .NET course in Chandigarh?
  • Omninos Solutions provide professional and best Dot Net training in Mohali & Chandigarh with live projects & 100% Job assistance with our course you can start your professionalism as a Dot NET Developer.
  • Omninos Solutions is the Great institute to learn . The trainers are very professionals with rich industry experience. i got the best programming language .NET training in Mohali centers.
  • If you want to build web applications in a quick time then there is no better technology than .NET you will take longer to develop your web application or startup than using .NET.
ASP.NET has transformed out into one of the main web application advancement structures that is actualized for making of dynamic sites. Countless .NET experts exist in India alongside the associations that give .NET advancement specific administrations. This will give you a reasonable thought regarding the interest and flexibility situation. ASP.NET engineers specifically, are at present encountering an expanding request and a superior compensation bundle for those having information and more involvement with the field of site development.India at present is a quickly creating nation regarding web improvement. Soon, .NET engineers are relied upon to be progressively searched after with a splendid future coming up for them. Today, a rising number of sites are being created utilizing ASP apparatuses, which underlines the more extensive utilization of the ASP.NET innovation. .NET designers especially, need to have fundamental abilities, for example, critical thinking capacity, rationale, numerical fitness, exactness, programming language capability, meticulousness, time the executives, hierarchical aptitudes etc.The motivation behind this online speck net preparing and situation course from omninos Solutions, is to help draw out all the previously mentioned aptitudes in you.
.NET designers especially, need to have fundamental abilities, for example, critical thinking capacity, rationale, numerical fitness, exactness, programming language capability, meticulousness, time the executives, hierarchical aptitudes etc.The motivation behind this online speck net preparing and situation course from omninos Solutions, is to help draw out all the previously mentioned aptitudes in you.



  • .NET Framework introduction
  • Framework Components
  • Types of Applications developed using MS.NET
  • Base Class Library/Framework Class Library
  • Namespaces, CLR
  • MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection
  • JIT Compilers


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract
  • Interfaces
  • Delegates


  • Introduction to Exceptions
  • Try and catch keywords,Finally & Throw
  • Creating User defined/Custom Exception class.


  • Win forms
  • Panel & Layouts
  • Event handling
  • Building Login Form,Toolbox
  • Custom toolbox controls,User defined controls


  • databases
  • Relational database Management concepts
  • Structured Query Language
  • Stored Procedures
  • Functions
  • Triggers


  • Basics of Ado.net
  • Connected and Disconnected modes
  • Programming with Ado.net
  • CSS and JavaScript


  • Basics of Ado.net
  • Connected and Disconnected modes
  • Programming with Ado.net
  • CSS and JavaScript


  • Introduction to MasterPage
  • ContentPlaceHolder and Content tags
  • Accessing controls of MasterPage in ContentPage
  • URLs in MasterPages
  • UniqueID and ClientID


  • User Controls
  • Creating a User Control
  • Adding Properties to User Control
  • Adding Events to User Control
  • Using User Control in Web Form
  • Rendering Clients Scripts Using Page.ClientScript methods


  • Static Members
  • View State
  • Hidden Field in Form
  • Query String
  • HttpContext
  • Cookies-HttpCookie
  • Sessions-HttpSessionState
  • Application-HttpApplicationState
  • Summary of All Features


  • Base Validator
  • Required Field Validator
  • Compare Validator
  • Range Validator
  • Regular Expression Validator
  • Custom Validator
  • Causes Validation Property
  • Grouping — Validation Group Property
  • Page.Validators and Page.IsValid


  • What is Authentication and Authorization
  • Authentication
  • Forms Authentication
  • Role based Authentication
  • Windows and Basic Authentication
  • ASP.NET Impersonation
  • Using the location section on the web.

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Why Infosif is the Best .NET Institute in Mohali and India?

ASP Dot Net is adaptable contrasted with different stages. As it underpins Microsoft the organization itself is considered as the most mainstream in the innovation. Its WYSIWYG proofreader makes the information steady and safe. It very well may be run in many Operating frameworks like Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.You can assemble your profession as.Net Developer, Ios and Android application advancement, Robotics, Automation, Cloud registering and significantly more. Most mainstream sites like GoDaddy, Dell, StackOverflow and additionally utilizing ASP.NET MVC.Omninos Solutions is known to be a head preparing and profession advancement organization. Having an involvement with this specific field for many years, Omninos Solutions center has consistently been to prepare engineers in spaces, for example, Clinical Research, IT, Mechanical, Electrical and so on. For the general advancement of the up-and-comer, we focus on the specialized preparing part, yet additionally spread delicate aptitude improvement, unknown dialect instructing and so on. These extra aptitudes encourage 360° improvement of the up-and-comers. Till date, we have taken numerous clumps and set them in different organizations. We help them to design out their vocation way with a promising beginning in the business.

Omninos Solutions being a .NET Training Institute in Pune, gloats of numerous situation customer bases. That implies an expanse of position open doors for work searchers. All things considered, we accept that "Positions are claimed by organizations and you own your vocation!"

Who will Train you?

.NET Expert
.NET Expert
Manav Mittal
.NET Expert
Sawan Dhiman
.NET Expert
.NET Expert
.NET Expert
.NET Expert
.NET Expert
.NET Expert


NET Framework is an advancement system that gives another programming interface to Windows administrations and APIs, and coordinates various innovations that rose up out of Microsoft during the late 1990s.Microsoft reported the . NET activity in July 2000.
NET is a structure to create programming applications. ... This system contains countless class libraries known as Framework Class Library (FCL). The product programs written in . NET are executed in the execution condition, which is called CLR (Common Language Runtime).
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming model where projects are composed around articles and information as opposed to activity and rationale. OOP permits disintegration of an issue into various elements called articles and afterward constructs information and capacities around these items.
NET, a special case is an item that acquires from the System. Exemption class. An exemption is tossed from a zone of code where an issue has happened. The special case is left behind the stack until the application handles it or the program ends.
Windows Forms (WinForms) is a free and open-source graphical (GUI) class library included as a piece of Microsoft . NET Framework or Mono Framework, giving a stage to compose rich customer applications for work area, PC, and tablet PCs
SQL Server is one of the most impressive information stages on the planet and the .You will figure out how you can associate from a C# application to SQL Server and how you can recover the adaptation of the SQL Server case, hence running a basic question.
ADO.NET is an information access innovation from the Microsoft .NET Framework that gives correspondence among social and non-social frameworks through a typical arrangement of segments. ADO.NET is a lot of program parts that developers can use to get to information and information administrations from a data set.
ASP.NET is an open-source, worker side web-application system intended for web improvement to create dynamic website pages. It was created by Microsoft to permit software engineers to fabricate dynamic sites, applications and administrations.
Ace page is an ASP.NET record with the expansion . ace (for instance, MySite. ace) with a predefined design that can incorporate static content, HTML components, and worker controls. The ace page is distinguished by an exceptional @ Master mandate that replaces the @ Page order that is utilized for standard.


Q1. What is the duration of .NET internship in Chandigarh?

The .NET Course in Chandigarh takes 6 Months to Complete But once in a while relying upon the understudy, it tends to be broadened.

Q2. What are the career opportunities in a .NET internship?

There is a tremendous no. of openings for work in advanced showcasing jobs.Since computerized promoting is a huge industry, it has a ton of different territories to browse like cloud experience,Agile methodologies,client-side web development and so forth for a fresher and a working proficient to improve their profession.

Q3. Who all can take-up a .NET internship in Chandigarh?

Omninos Solutions will make you a Master in .NET by helping you to execute computerized showcasing procedures from fundamental to cutting edge level. Our objective of arranged progressed .NET Training in Chandigarh will make you aces in the field of .NET.

Q4. Do you help us to get google certification after the internship?

You've invested the energy developing your aptitudes, presently persuade affirmed to be perceived for the work you've done. We offer Google confirmations so you can show dominance at the level that is directly for you.

Q5. I can’t decide a course that matches me? What do i do now?

Except if you are one of those fortunate ones who have never dismissed their youth dreams, choosing the correct program to take after secondary school can be hard. Regardless of whether you're the sort who has an excessive number of interests or somebody who can't envision their future yet, concocting a choice needs cautious thought. Here are five hints to make this experience somewhat less upsetting for you:-
  1. Take a test (or several tests)
  2. Explore and Research.
  3. Try things out.
  4. Find a mentor.
  5. Take the practical route.

Q6. Do You Provide any Certificate?

We Provide Experience declaration is formally given by the organization's understudy affirming that the specialist was connected with the organization and has finished his temporary position. The experience that the representative has picked up all through their work period is known as an encounter letter. This letter is given to the worker for the most part when they are leaving the organization or Completed the temporary job.

Q7. I have got experience in traditional marketing; can I change my career to PHP and SQL?

Customary strategies for showcasing can offer great crowds yet you can't be excessively certain on the off chance that you are focusing on the correct crowd when contrasted with computerized advertising. Each purpose of computerized showcasing can be observed and sifted with the goal that your advertisements or promoting efforts contact the correct crowd.

Q8. What would be the salary for .NET professionals?

The normal compensation for a .NET learner level/fresher is about Rs 3.0 Lacs to 4.0 Lacs per annum. This will rely upon different elements like aptitudes, association, and city of work.

Q9. Will I get practical experience?

We give handy experience on significant level live ventures, computerized showcasing alludes to promoting conveyed through advanced channels, for example, web indexes, sites, web-based media, email, and versatile applications.

Q10. What are the differences between your internships and that of other institutes?

We give learning just as preparing to our competitors. Omninos Solutions is the Best preparing establishment in Mohali And India set up to grant particular and modern related overall training in each stream. It is a spot for the Learning and Development of your Technical abilities with Industrial introduction.
  • Client-side web development technologies
  • Cloud experience
  • Agile methodologies
  • Expertise with Web API and REST API with C#
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)
  • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)
Microsoft.Net or Dot Net is a software framework designed and developed by Microsoft Corporation to be used for developing applications executable in devices such as personal computer, mobile, and web applications. The niche that has impelled the software among coders is its property to minimize the quantity of code in large applications. Attributing to this unique selling proposition, Dot Net Training in Mohali is one of the most sought and all-time trending programs for both young enthusiasts and experienced professionals looking to make a mark in their profession.
There is no necessary capability required for work in advanced promoting, by selecting and effectively finishing a respectable, balanced computerized advertising course, you will upgrade your odds of getting the advanced showcasing position you had always wanted exponentially.