• Are you searching for the best PHP & SQL company in Chandigarh?
  • Are you looking for the best PHP & SQL institute in Chandigarh?
  • Are you looking for the best PHP & SQL course in Chandigarh?
  • Best PHP and MySQL courses from Omninos Solutions. If you want to build web applications in a quick time then there is no better technology than PHP and MySQL.
  • Omninos Solutions is the Great institute to learn Php and mysql. The trainers are very professionals with rich industry experience. i got the best programming language php and database mysql training in Mohali centers.
  • If you want to build web applications in a quick time then there is no better technology than PHP and will take longer to develop your web application or startup than using PHP.
A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is introduced to all understudies who attempt this course.PHP and MySQL are unfathomably amazing open source innovations that permit individuals to make useful sites and applications that go path past essential HTML. While it can appear to be threatening to somebody with no foundation in coding, working with PHP is a lot simpler than many figure it out. With the correct direction and a craving to learn, a great many people can figure out how to assemble a practical web application in a couple of days. This PHP/MySQL Course is a long-term mentor, instructor and advisor who spends significant time in helping individuals figure out how to utilize innovation to take care of certifiable issues. In this high-sway course, We strolls clients through the production of a practical PHP/MySQL interface from start to finish, clarifying where required the significant specialized focuses without depending on over the top language. This isn't a diagram of complex hypothesis, however a hands-on preliminary that will permit even learners to make usable arrangements rapidly.
We tell you the best way to capitalize on these free advances utilized by everybody from little new businesses to the greatest innovation organizations on the planet. PHP is the most requested programming language nowadays. It is a simple to learn language and furnishes an awesome result with less exertion. A large number of the IT Companies have great opportunities for PHP Developers and furthermore offer great pay packages.Omninos Solutions gives the best ever preparing in PHP .Students would be given preparing in PHP on live tasks. We would prepare from the fundamental focuses to the completely progressed points in PHP.

PHP Laravel Industrial Training Content


  • Introduction
  • The Origin of PHP
  • PHP is better than Its alternatives
  • Interfaces to External systems
  • How PHP works with the Web Server
  • Hardware and Software requirements
  • What a PHP script looks like
  • Saving data for later
  • Receiving user input
  • Repeating code


  • Connecting to the MYSQL
  • Selecting a database
  • Finding out about errors
  • Adding data to a table
  • Acquiring the value
  • Finding the number of rows
  • Inserting data
  • Entering and updating data
  • Executing multiple queries


  • How PHP scripts work
  • Basic PHP syntax
  • PHP data types
  • Displaying type information
  • Testing for a specific data type
  • Changing type with Set type
  • Operators
  • Variable manipulation
  • Dynamic variables
  • String in PHP


  • The anatomy of a cookie
  • Setting a cookie with PHP
  • Deleting a cookie
  • Creating session cookie
  • Working with the query string
  • Creating query string

    • What is session
    • Starting a session
    • Working with session variables
    • Destroying session
    • Passing session Ids
    • Encoding and decoding session variables

      MODULE 6- PHP oops

    • Classes (Public,Private,Protected)
    • Constructor
    • Destructor
    • Inheritance
    • Overriding
    • Static keyword
    • Final keyword
    • Constants
    • Abstract classes
    • Interfaces

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Why Infosif is the Best PHP and SQl Institute in Mohali and India?

Nowadays, lots of big or small companies are using PHP language that's why it has become a most popular language and PHP and MySQL training in Mohali will provide a complete skill of PHP and MySQL programming for further development.

Omninos Solutions is presenting a best PHP and MySQL training course in Mohali that is fully inspired and motivated with recent trends and parameters which will get you instant jobs at reputed MNCs. We focus on real-time and placement generated PHP training in Mohali and here you will get in- depth knowledge of A to Z means basic to advanced level and we have trained many PHP and MySQL programmers which are working at top MNCs companies.

At Omninos Solutions, our PHP and MySQL Programming course provides the knowledge necessary to develop dynamic, database-driven web pages. There is huge demand of PHP and MySQL developers across the world, understanding the need Omninos Solutions has designed a specialized PHP and MySQL course in Mohali, Various modules include PHP and MySQL as language, MYSQL as database, training on CMS Joomla/WordPress and Drupal, Framework CakePHP, Payment gateway integration, Magento, Open cart as essential parts of web designing and web development course in PHP.

Who will Train you?

Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert
PHP and SQl Expert
Manav Mittal
PHP and SQl Expert
Sawan Dhiman
PHP and SQl Expert
Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert
Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert
Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert
Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert
Bagicha Singh
PHP and SQl Expert


PHP is the most well known scripting language for web improvement. It is free, open source and worker side (the code is executed on the worker). MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that utilizes Structured Query Language (SQL). It is likewise free and open source.
PHP is a worker side scripting language that is inserted in HTML.It is coordinated with various mainstream information bases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.
Structure Query Language(SQL) is an information base inquiry language utilized for putting away and overseeing information in Relational DBMS. SQL was the principal business language presented for E.F Codd's Relational model of information base.
The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that permits web designers to make dynamic substance that cooperates with information bases. PHP is fundamentally utilized for creating online programming applications. This instructional exercise encourages you to fabricate your base with PHP.
A treat is frequently used to distinguish a client. A treat is a little record that the worker installs on the client's PC. Each time a similar PC demands a page with a program, it will send the treat as well. With PHP, you can both make and recover treat esteems.
A meeting is an approach to store data (in factors) to be utilized over various pages. In contrast to a treat, the data isn't put away on the clients PC.
Information needs a data set to store and cycle information rapidly. SQL is a language utilized for an information base to inquiry information. In this starting course, you'll become familiar with the essentials of the SQL language and the social information bases. You'll begin by finding out about the social model and social model ideas and requirements.
Social model (RM) speaks to the information base as an assortment of relations. A connection is only a table of qualities. Each line in the table speaks to an assortment of related information esteems. These columns in the table mean a true substance or relationship.In the social model, information is put away as tables.
DML represents Data Manipulation Language. Utilization DDL articulations are utilized to make information bases, patterns, requirements, clients, tables and so forth. DML proclamation is utilized to embed, refresh or erase the records
The "Progressed SQL" prerequisite likely indicates information and conceivably capability in a few of the new ideas, for example, CTEs (Common Table Expressions) UDFs (User Defined Functions) Fulltext search augmentations/coordination. execution tuning with new dividing plans, separated records, inadequate sections.
To lay it out plainly, the "Join" makes social information base frameworks "social". Joins permit you to interface information from at least two tables together into a solitary inquiry result- - from one single SELECT proclamation. A "Join" can be perceived in a SQL SELECT articulation on the off chance that it has more than one table after the FROM watchword.


1. What is the duration of PHP & SQL internship in Chandigarh?

The PHP & SQL Course in Chandigarh takes 6 Months to Complete But once in a while relying upon the understudy, it tends to be broadened.

Q2. What are the career opportunities in a PHP & SQL internship?


Q3. Who all can take-up a PHP & SQL internship in Chandigarh?

Omninos Solutions will make you a Master in PHP & SQL by helping you to execute computerized showcasing procedures from fundamental to cutting edge level. Our objective arranged progressed PHP & SQL Training in Chandigarh will make you aces in the field of PHP & SQL.

Q4. Do you help us to get google certification after the internship?

You've invested the energy developing your aptitudes, presently persuade affirmed to be perceived for the work you've done. We offer Google confirmations so you can show dominance at the level that is directly for you.

Q5. I can’t decide a course that matches me? What do i do now?

Except if you are one of those fortunate ones who have never dismissed their youth dreams, choosing the correct program to take after secondary school can be hard. Regardless of whether you're the sort who has an excessive number of interests or somebody who can't envision their future yet, concocting a choice needs cautious thought. Here are five hints to make this experience somewhat less upsetting for you:-
  1. Take a test (or several tests)
  2. Explore and Research.
  3. Try things out.
  4. Find a mentor.
  5. Take the practical route.

Q6. Do You Provide any Certificate?

We Provide Experience declaration is formally given by the organization's understudy affirming that the specialist was connected with the organization and has finished his temporary position. The experience that the representative has picked up all through their work period is known as an encounter letter. This letter is given to the worker for the most part when they are leaving the organization or Completed the temporary job.

Q7. I have got experience in traditional marketing; can I change my career to PHP and SQL?

Customary strategies for showcasing can offer great crowds yet you can't be excessively certain on the off chance that you are focusing on the correct crowd when contrasted with computerized advertising. Each purpose of computerized showcasing can be observed and sifted with the goal that your advertisements or promoting efforts contact the correct crowd.

Q8. What would be the salary for PHP and SQL professionals?

The normal compensation for a PHP and SQL learner level/fresher is about Rs 3.0 Lacs to 4.0 Lacs per annum. This will rely upon different elements like aptitudes, association, and city of work.

Q9. Will I get practical experience?

We give handy experience on significant level live ventures, computerized showcasing alludes to promoting conveyed through advanced channels, for example, web indexes, sites, web-based media, email, and versatile applications.

Q10. What are the differences between your internships and that of other institutes?

We give learning just as preparing to our competitors. Omninos Solutions is the Best preparing establishment in Mohali And India set up to grant particular and modern related overall training in each stream. It is a spot for the Learning and Development of your Technical abilities with Industrial introduction.
  • PHP developer
  • PHP project manager
  • SQL Database Administrator
  • SQL Database Developer
  • SQL Database Testers
  • SQL Data Scientist
  • SQL Data Application Interface Developer
  • BI Application Developer
  • BI Administrator
  • Big Data Expert
An expert PHP designer can pick to proceed with the profession in an organization or can even go for independent PHP advancement occupations. Presumably that a fresher needs to do a little battle to reach fair and square of experienced PHP engineers that are procuring a decent compensation in the top web advancement organizations.A variety of careers use structured query language (SQL), including technical jobs as a database administrator, server management specialist, web designer, hosting technician, software developer, and software quality assurance, as well as positions in business analysis and business intelligence.
There is no necessary capability required for work in advanced promoting, by selecting and effectively finishing a respectable, balanced computerized advertising course, you will upgrade your odds of getting the advanced showcasing position you had always wanted exponentially.